Will Smith praises his son Jaden’s confidence

Will Smith recently admitted that he occasionally finds Jaden Smith’s confidence overwhelming and even scary.

The actor is proud of his 18-year-old son’s ability to stand by his beliefs and his confidence in wearing a wide range of clothing, including skirts and nail polish. Smith also says he has never met anyone who is so confident and self-assured.

“I don’t know if I’ve ever met anybody who legitimately doesn’t care what people think of them as much as Jaden. It’s scary as a parent sometimes, but he’s willing to do whatever he feels,” he told Extra.

The Suicide Squad actor was accompanied by his son at the world premiere of the movie on Monday evening. The 47-year-old revealed that his son considers his latest flick the best he has ever done.

Smith explained: “He called me and said, ‘Don’t ever have to work anymore.’ He said, ‘It’s done, you’re never gonna do anything as good as ‘Suicide Squad.’ It’s all downhill for you from here.’”

Meanwhile, Jaden recently said he could pull off his outrageous fashion styles due to his strong beliefs.

“You just have to believe in yourself, you know. The world is going to keep bashing me for whatever I do, and I’m going to keep not caring. I’m going to keep doing the same things – I’m going to keep doing more things,” the teen said.

He also hopes to end the stigma that surrounds gender fluidity, explaining: “So, you know, in five years when a kid goes to school wearing a skirt, he won’t get beat up and kids won’t get mad at him. I’m taking the brunt of it so that later on, my kids and the next generations of kids will all think that certain things are normal that weren’t expected before my time.”