Jared Leto gives live snake to Jimmy Fallon

Actor Jared Leto surprised Jimmy Fallon with a live snake on this Monday’s episode of The Tonight Show.

The Suicide Squad actor had previously brought fellow co-stars odd gifts such as a dead pig, a rat, and bullets. He then brought the late night TV show host a live snake, leaving him in shock as the crowd cheered.

Leto appeared on stage showing off a gift-wrapped box, saying: “The Joker is a big giver of gifts, and he was thinking of you and wanted to pass on this gift especially for you.”

Fallon, not knowing what to expect from the unpredictable Joker, took the box and shared: “I’ve read about things and I’ve heard about things, I heard the Joker gave people rats and things before… This is a gift from the Joker? That’s very nice.”

Once Fallon reluctantly opened his gift, he couldn’t help but scream.

“It’s real! Dude, what is this? He got me a snake!”

He then struggled to keep the reptile in the box, yelling: “Oh no! Snake, get down! Joker… Snake! Get down. Oh no, no, no, no no…”

The serpent, however, managed to break out of the box and forced Fallon to flee from his desk. The actor subsequently picked it up and encouraged the scared talk show host to take it.

Fallon finally admitted: “Thank you Jared, that’s very, very nice [but] I’m afraid of snakes a little bit.”

Once calmed, Fallon was thankful for not having a role in the movie alongside the actor, saying: “I’m so glad I saw the movie and didn’t have to act in it with you.”

Clip: “Jared Leto Brings Jimmy a Gift from the Joker”