Study says couples happy with sex once a week

Couples who have sex several times a week are no more fulfilled than those having it once a week. This is according to a new research which studied the frequency couples have their trysts.

In fact most couples found they were happiest with their sex lives when engaged in the activity only once a week. This might be good news for couples who feel they must conform to some type of norm and force sex several times a week, when most are too busy or tired to have intimate encounters with their spouses or significant others.

According to Amy Muise, a postdoctoral researcher studying sexual relationships at Dalhousie University in Canada, once a week is maybe a more realistic goal because it does not overwhelm couples’ mindset that they must have sex everyday.

Research of subjects from two separate cohorts, which included 2,400 married couples in the U.S. National Survey of Families and Household, found the quality of their romantic relationship was “one of the biggest predictors of their overall happiness,” according to Muise.

The research failed to determine whether sex or happiness was most primary in these relationships, although Muise said happiness could enhance the sexual part as well as sex could enhance the happiness.

For the most part, couples who averaged sex at least once a week seemed most fulfilled. Yet, the researchers also noted that even the brevity of once a week could be too much for some or too little for others.

According to Berlin sex therapist, Vanessa Marin, couples who have never discussed the frequency of their sex life are either satisfied with each other or too busy or disconnected to think about it.

Marin suggested couples experiment with the frequency in which they have sex to determine what is right for them.