Strange fossils reveal existence of Bat-like winged Dinosaur

China – A strange dinosaur fossil found in China has revealed that it had a bony and wing- like features almost like Bat. This discovery has taken the Chinese Paleontologists by surprise as the findings suggest a different process of evolution from what was believed until now. More importantly, although the creature had wings, it did not resemble the birds and instead had a look similar to flying bat or a squirrel.

The report, published in the Journal Nature says that many similar dinosaur fossils that resembled body designs similar to the birds were found in China. However, the latest fossil discovery is a radically different prototype and suggests a different perspective on the development of bird flight and dinosaur. In a commentary on the study, Kevin Padian of UC Berkeley has said that the discovery has taken the things from strange to bizarre.

The Chinese have named this odd fossil, Yi qi that means strange wing, which aptly describes the unique features of the birdlike dinosaur. It appears that Yi qi is a type of dinosaur. Other similar dinosaur species include Velociraptor, Tyrannosaurus Rex and the ancestors of the modern birds. Just like the flying theropods that ultimately evolved to grow into modern birds, Yi qi has a skull of 1.57 inches long, which means it is a welterweight.

Yi qi Has Unique Features

Yi qi belongs to the Scansoriopterygidae family whose only three members had the unusual features making them theropods. The third fingers of such family members are longer than their second fingers. However, Yi qi has another odd feature, which is not found in any of the theropods. It has a long bone that comes out from the wrist, making a sharp angle. This long bone is way out of the line of the actual finger bones.

Until now, there was no evidence to suggest that the theropods could fly into the air. However, this discovery throws light on the fact that there can be more such species to be discovered.