PC makers join forces to urge you to buy new PCs

Millions of Americans own personal computers, but with the advent of tablets, smartphones and other devices, sales of new PCs are lagging. Now three leading makers of PCs, with Microsoft and Intel, have joined forces to convince you that you need a new PC.

The joint campaign, with the tagline “PC Does What?,” will run for six weeks, according to PC World. Computer makers Dell, Hewlett-Packard and Lenovo teamed up with Intel and Microsoft to create and launch the effort.

PC sales are down nearly eight percent this year, and competition has pushed the price of new PCs well below the average cost just a decade ago. The five 16-second videos in the ad campaign intend to highlight the power of Intel’s new processor coupled with Microsoft’s Windows 10, and to show potential buyers new features in today’s PCs.

For example, the ads show users logging in with biometrics, enjoying improved graphic capabilities, and relying on the improved battery life of new PCs.

Each ad ends with the thrilled PC user exclaiming, “PC does whaat?”

The joint campaign is the first such collaboration from the computer industry. Following the ads’ six week run, the companies intend to begin their individual holiday shopping season advertising.