Apple’s metrosexual iPhone is catching on — with men

Guys, if you feel comfortable in your masculinity, Apple has a new iPhone color just for you: pink.

With the debut of the iPhone 6, Apple has released a new color that one design expert calls “Kim Kardashian pink,” according to a Bloomberg story. And while pink continues to be a color associated strongly with women, early anecdotal online evidence suggests that many men are opting for the pink phone.

One man’s twitter account noted that he had ordered the pink iPhone, as had 4 of his male friends. Apple has not released details of the demand for the color, but social media tracking suggests that demand may be so high that there is already a backlog for the color.

The Color Association of the United States says that pink is more popular for men than ever before, noting that pink hues are trending in men’s fashions this fall and are expected to remain popular through the spring fashion season. Women’s fashions, on the other hand, are trending towards more muted colors.

Interestingly, the idea oif pink as a girls color is a relatively new phenomena, according to Jo Paoletti, author of “Pink and Blue, Telling the Boys from the Girls in America.” As recently as the mid-20th century, pink was in some areas of the country considered more appropriate for men.