Chinese leader: we’ve been hacked, too!

In a policy speech in Seattle on Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping told the audience of Chinese and American business and government leaders that his country is ready to join the United States in its cyber-security efforts, noting that China has also been the victim of cyber crimes.

American officials have warned that Chinese hacking of U.S. government and business interests is reaching epidemic levels, according to an Associated Press story.

President Xi’s visit also highlights the top priority of an international trade deal, as the Chinese leader pledged to keep China open for trade with the U.S. and the rest of the world.

In meetings with Governors from California, Washington, Oregon, Iowa and Michigan, President Xi and Chinese business leaders also struck a deal to work together on clean energy technologies, reducing transportation emissions, and exchanging research. Last year, Presidents Xi and Obama announced their commitment to working together to fight climate change. China invested more than any other country in renewable energy last year, topping the list at $83 billion invested.

On his trip, Xi is scheduled to tour Seattle-area businesses Boeing and Microsoft, and visit an area high school. A group of protesters challenging China’s occupation of Tibet and other human rights abuses gathered outside Xi’s hotel during his speech on Tuesday evening.