First fully Warm Blooded Fish discovered deep in the ocean

A research team at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have found the first fully warm blooded fish deep in the ocean. The fish is circular in shape, and it is being named Opah.

Researchers have found that this fish has the capability to keep its internal body temperature five degree Celsius lesser than the environment.

As per Heidi Dewar, a fisheries research biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the whole team was shocked after learning the fish’s warm blooded nature.

According to him, this was a lifetime opportunity for the entire team, as they learned something which is lacking in other fishes.

There are umpteen numbers of other fishes which have the capability of elevating temperatures in specific part of their body. Sharks and Tunas can warm their swimming muscles, while Billfish, including sailfish and marlin have a peculiar capability to heat up their eye and bran region.

Opah has the capability to warm its entire body. Sharks and Tunas are partially endothermic, but the warming system present in Opah is much more advanced and sophisticated.

The warm blooded nature will help the fish in various manner. It will help them to see and think better. It will also give them better reflexes during the time of chasing food.

The research team is now learning whether any other close relatives of Opah have similar nature and characteristics. They are quite eager to learn about fishes in higher latitudes where temperature is much lower.