Research shows Regular Coffee intake can offset risk of Liver Cancer in Alcohol addicts

Researchers believe that regular consumption of coffee can help suppress the risk of liver cancer especially in people who have abused alcohol for many years. Consuming three drinks alcohol a day according to past studies have been associated with a high risk of liver cancer among other problems.

A team of researchers from the American Institute for Cancer Research have found that regular consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of cancer to the liver. At a risk to contract liver cancer are people who consume alcohol above normal limits and people who are obese, but with regular intake of coffee the effects of alcohol seem to be nullified according to the researchers.

People who smoke on a regular basis are also at a higher risk of developing cancer of the liver especially those who have been suffering from Hepatitis B or C infection. Consumption of food with higher aflatoxins also increases one’s risk of developing liver cancer. Foods with higher levels of Aflatoxins include peanuts, black pepper, spices dry fruits and figs.

The research team, however, could not comment on the reason behind the decreased risk of liver cancer upon the consumption of coffee on a regular basis. Some of the foods that help in suppressing cancerous cells in the liver include intake of Fish. Consumption of coffee also comes with other benefits such as protection against type 2 diabetes, liver cirrhosis and Parkinson disease.

The research team came to the conclusion having analyzed 8.2 million adults around the globe and 24,500 causes of liver cancer. The authors had hoped to better understand how physical activity diet, as well as weight, can affect the risk of developing liver cancer.

Dr. Ann McTiernan an epidemiologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle believes the study gives the clearest indication of how drinks can cause liver cancer as a cup of coffee goes a long way to reducing the risks.