Box Launches “Enterprise Key Management” for Enterprise Customers

Box is hoping to make a big break into the enterprise market. The company recently launched a new service that is designed for those who are interested in better security and still able to take advantage of all the features the cloud has to offer.

The service Box is pitching to enterprise customers is called Enterprise Key Management or EKM for short. It is aimed at giving businesses exclusive control over their security encryption keys. The technology behind this service is not of Box alone, as the company collaborated with the likes of Amazon Web Services and Gemalto to make it work.

Box at the moment is mainly pushing its new product to highly regulated industries in the United States. These industries include healthcare, government and legal. In a future update, the company plans to break out into the international market in hopes to secure a small market share.

“In the old days, if you wanted to encrypt and protect data inside your organization, IT could set it up,” said Rand Wacker, Box’s vice president of enterprise products. “But if you tried to share something across organizations, that’s usually where stuff broke down.”

Wacker made sure to note that all content stored within Box is encrypted. The EKM service is only just to allow management within a certain enterprise company to have control over the keys. Furthermore, the service provides an audit log for Box customers to view, so that’s another plus.

In addition, Wacker is claiming neither Box or Amazon can gain access to the keys, so enterprise customers should feel safe at all times that company secrets won’t be mishandled.

At the moment, the World Bank Group and Toyota Motor Sales are some of the few planning to give EKM a test run to see if what Box is promises actually does work. After testing is complete, the service should be fully available by Spring 2015.

Source: [PC World]