New Google Nexus’ soon to debut

Google is set to debut their two new versions of the Nexus phone on September 29th. That release date did not stop eager fans from getting an early look as pictures of the two new devices leaked this week. The debut of the new Nexus’ will be accompanied by the commercial release of the next version of Android: Android 6.0 according to a USA Today report.

The leak of an awaited product such as a google powered smartphone is the norm in the world of technology, and another norm is fans wondering what type of new features the phones will have.

There will be two new versions of Nexus, the 5X and the 6P. The 5X will be made by LG and have a 5.2 inch screen in 1080p resolution as well as a 13MP camera, while the 6P will have a 5.7 inch screen be made by Huawei and have a 1440p display as well as 128GB of internal storage.

The main question that has arouse after the leaked pictures of the new smartphones is what is that glass strip on the back that is clearly not the camera or flash? Many believe this could be apart of new technology that allows the phone to gauge distance.

Many developers have been toying with a new bit of technology that can allow a smartphone to measure distance of objects such as walls or people and have motion tracking technology as part of the camera. This technology could be implemented into many new apps such as measurement apps or apps that could track your movements for functions like retracing your steps on a hike.

All the speculation will be over on September 29th when Google reveals the new line of Nexus phones as well as their new Android platform, Android 6.0.