Leading US fast food companies to go organic, cutting down on artificial ingredients

Several top-leading US fast food companies are undergoing serious reforms to boost their business revenues – and reworking their food ingredients is a major strategy to make this work. More so, several nutrition experts have welcomed the initiative, saying it is the best thing to happen to the US food industry in recent times.

Almost everybody stands to benefit from the food reforms sweeping across the fast food industry in the United States – it spells a new season of healthier food and natural products for consumers, and also better patronage and earned trust for food companies.

According to Mark Milstein, a management professor at Cornell and head of its Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise, the recent decision by most food companies to use only natural products will usher in a new agricultural system that will sustain the US economy and ensure healthier living for everyone.

Milstein however revealed that it is still a process, and that the food companies are not quite there yet.

According to analysts, the more organic food ingredients the food companies use to prepare their meals, the better it is for consumers who would have better choices at healthier foods. Again, it will lead to better farming practices, boosting the greener life for all.

The president of the research organization Foodtank, Danielle Nierenberg, said US food companies ought to take the lead in organic food ingredients rather than following others, saying the current food reforms should have started many years ago.

Richard McCarthy, Slow Food USA’s executive director hailed the move, saying organic food is the best for all and what all concerned should embrace.

Food companies that have pledged to review their food ingredients are Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Panera, Dunkin’ Donuts, Kraft, Tyson Foods, Coke, Chipotle, and McDonald’s among others. Almost all of them vowed to rework their use of artificial flavors, sugars, artificial peppers, coloring, preservatives and additives, and animal antibiotics among others.