Facebook testing unified product listing in News Feed

Facebook (NASDAQ: FB) has now added new features for the users to buy and sell products on the social networking website. Earlier, it was in the news that the social networking giant is going to implement features that will allow the users of a particular group to buy and sell the products. The new feature adds more functionalities and features to it.

Facebook is now going to present the items on the sale across the group in an unified view in the user’s timeline, along with an ability to search for the products on sale among open or public groups.

Facebook has added ‘All Sales Group’ for the user to have a unified view of the items for sale in different groups he/she belongs to. Apart from that, the social networking giant has included a search engine for the users to search for products that are listed in public/open groups on the website.

The features are currently under testing, and will soon roll out worldwide. Apparently, the company is now moving ahead and expanding its territory to compete with companies such as eBay.

However, every coin has two sides. It is no unknown fact that Facebook is slowly becoming an advertisement company, and allowing the users to sell the products can invite more advertisers on board. Otherwise, it can also help itself learn more about the users’ behavior towards shopping and things they are interested in.

Looking at the good side, Facebook can help buy you things you might have been searching for past few days. Products on sale can range from real estate to collectibles or more. It can be a used gadget or something more valuable such as a painting.

However, with great features comes great responsibilities, as people can sell fake or counterfeit products the users.