Google now allows users to download entire search history of their account

The search giant Google is now allowing users download their entire search history. Users will have to go to the Web & App Activity section in their browser to be able to do that. With this feature at their disposal, Google users will now be able to download all details right from the time they first signed in to their Google account on any device.

It has been rightly pointed out that this data, for regular surfers, could form a small mountain or stretch for several miles if laid across a flat surface.

Though this might seem interesting and lots of fun for most casual surfers, there are billions around the world who are scared at the prospect of their dark secrets (like porn searches, etc.) becoming public.

The tech giant has clarified that the data shall be made available only to users themselves and that they need not worry on either of the accounts-the volume of the search data or its content but the assurance has done little to placate worried surfers.

Downloading the search history is easy. Open your web and app activity page and log in to your email account. This will throw open all the search results. You will be given the option to create an archive of your search history data.

Inspite of the reassurances about the privacy of their search history, Google has warned users against downloading their archive on public computers while adding that their archive is always under their control.

“Protect your account and sensitive data with two-step verification, (which) helps keep bad guys out, even if they have your password.”

Google says: “If you have decided to take your data elsewhere, please research the data export policies of your destination. Otherwise, if you ever want to leave the service, you may have to leave your data behind.”