ADHD drugs to increase their performance levels for workplaces are dangerous

New York – Prescription drugs are currently assigned for white-collar workers, diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) to increase their performance levels at their workplaces.

Some of these workers use various amphetamine based stimulants in order to increase their performances and remain alert at the workplace, as found by regulators. Some of these workers, have also used prescription based medications, such as Adderall, Vyvanse and Concerta as well.

For example, Nootropics, which contains amino acids, caffeine and herb extracts, improve memory performance and are hence bought by workers to stay active at their workplace. This can be bought online in labeled bottles.

Much to the fear of doctors, these medications can cause signs of drug-addiction, hallucination and other such signs such as anxiety. Hence, these medications are extremely dangerous, according to the doctors.

However, the problem remains that many of ADHD patients could get these drugs through illegal drug dealers. The matter has risen to such an alarming level that some people even pretend to suffer from ADHD, only to get their hands on the prescription and get the drugs. Even college students have been using drugs such as Adderall. Its use in office seems to be just a development from the colleges.

Dr Wilson Compton, the Deputy Director of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has said that there is an alarming increase in rates of drug abuse among college students, especially over the last decade. He has pointed out that there is a need for the college students to understand the outcomes of such drugs, as they move forward to the corporate life and acquire the adult role.

The US Federal laws have categorized some of these stimulants as legal and as sources of vitamins as well. Hence, many of these could be bought at the medical stores without requiring a prescription. This has been considered as one of the many reasons why users choose these drugs as well.