Mobile friendly websites to rank higher in Google Search results after latest algorithm change

Over the years, Google has changed the way its search engine recommend websites. Now it is happening again as the company reveals that it will recommend websites that are mobile friendly to smartphone and tablet users.

This means that any website that is designed with mobile in mind will be given preference over those that are not. The new revised formula will be released on Tuesday, so webmasters who have not made sure to make their website mobile friendly, have enough time to make that change.

Interestingly enough, Google did not reveal what it classifieds as a mobile friendly website, but things could change before long.

We should point out that searches made through Google search via desktop browsers will not affect how websites are ranked, but only for searches made through mobile browsers. It means that several websites will see a change in the amount of mobile visitors coming in.

“Some sites are going to be in for a big surprise when they find a drastic change in the amount of people visiting them from mobile devices,” said Itai Sadan, CEO of website-building service Duda.

The changes Google is planning to incorporate could be some of the most significant yet, and we expect the likes of Bing and others to follow in the coming months.

It is safe to say that Mobile is the new frontier, so webmasters should make every effort to make certain that folks coming from a mobile device are able to absorb the content without much hassle. Images should be properly aligned, and they should load faster than usual as well.

This isn’t the first time Google has made clear what it intends to do where mobile is concerned. The search giant spoke of going down this path two months ago, which is more than enough time for webmasters to get their act together.