HIV AIDS virus spreads like conficker worm internet malware

According to a new study from UK, the HIV pathogen is supposed to spread inside the human body just like computer virus. This finding can help the researchers to develop better ways to treat HIV and prevent the onset of AIDS.

According to a Medical News Today report, Scientists from the University College London, have been able to chart and create a model for HIV progressions. According to these models, the virus typically spreads via the blood vessels or directly spread from adjacent cells. This is exactly how a computer virus or worms tend to spread through the internet. In this manner, thousands of computers are affected.

Till now, no effective cure / treatment have been developed for HIV infected patients. The virus attacks to the immune cells (especially, CD4+ T cells) of the body and kills them. This causes opportunistic pathogens such as E.Coli and other such pathogens to attack the human body. Since there is little or no immunity against these pathogens, the patient ultimately has to die. However, early treatment might prove to be effective, according to doctors.

HIV spreads mostly through sexual contact or blood transfusion. Improper syringe disposal may also contribute towards the patient being infected by HIV AIDS.

The model also proves that HIV cannot spread by blood vessels alone. HIV could probably acquire a strong foothold in a place having high T cell population. These regions are most likely to be the spleen and the gut. Transfer of the virus then begins from cell to cell.

Quite interestingly, it was the very pathogen that inspired the Conficker computer worm. This worm was created in 2008 and was successful in infecting military and police networks all across European subcontinent. It still hasn’t been eliminated as of yet. The HIV and Conficker worm, both use hybrid spreading mechanisms.

This new model will also help scientists to create an effective drug as well. It could be used against different modes of HIV in patients.