Too much consumption of ice tea leads to accumulation of oxalate crystals that clog kidneys

Ice tea is harmful for human body, new study reveals. Consuming ice tea frequently in in greater volumes than recommended can lead to untimely failure in functioning of kidneys. A recent finding has touched upon the impact of drinking ice tea in greater frequencies. An Arkansas man has been drinking a noteworthy 16 glasses of tea with ice cubes each day. Lately, he suffered an unfortunate failure in functioning of the kidneys.

56 Year Old Man Has Ca Salts In Larger Volumes In Urine

The man is aged 56; he was hospitalized in 2014, as he was diagnosed with fatigue, aches, nausea and weaknesses. On detailed report of his bodily systems, the doctors found huge amounts and quantities of Ca salts present in his urine.

The man did not have any prior history of kidney stones, any time in his life. He was questioned further by the doctors. They comprehended that the affected patient had one habit of consuming ice tea in possibly larger volumes each day. They analysed and found that consumption of ice tea too much can possibly be the reason behind the patient possessing lots of Ca salts in the urine.

The Arkansas Man Consumed 10 Times More Oxalate Than Any Average American

On further analysis it was found and the doctors corroborated that the patient’s kidneys were clogged and unfortunately inflamed with a chemical called oxalate that is commonplace in foods, including ice tea. For an average American citizen, general intake of this chemical called oxalate is recommended to be 150 mg per day. However, the person who was down with clogged kidneys took 1500 mg of this chemical for the net numbers – 16 glasses served with ice tea.

Moderate Consumption Is The Key To Good Health

Thus, consumption of 10 times more oxalate by the Arkansas man than any other normal person led to his kidney malfunctioning. This doesn’t hint that consuming tea is not beneficial; indeed, it is, however the quantities need to be little to moderate. Hence, the New England Journal of Medicine’s study aimed at the fact that moderation in consumption is the key to good health.