Study finds 63% Americans struggle to seek medical attention in Heart Stroke attacks

Stroke occurs when there is partial blood blockage of the brain whereby there is a brain leak or rupture. Whereas it has been identified as the biggest cause of death and stability in the US reports have it that many American are not able to access proper care for the same.

Heart strokes have been labeled as being the fourth leading cause of death. This is according to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, it has been confirmed that 90% of these heart stroke attacks take place at home.

However, even with the above percentage researchers have noted with concern that many people can hardly access a stroke center. The statistics indicate that only 23% of the Americans are living within a close vicinity of the health centers while 63% have to struggle in seeking medical attention even for the primary stroke.

Dr. Michael Mullen, who is a lead author of various studies cautions that treatment of stroke relies heavily on the timings. He goes ahead to explain that future stroke disabilities are usually as a result of the time it took to have the situation attended to. This means immediate attention of a stroke attack can easily avert long – term risks and damages.

With all this said, rapid access to stroke care is of the essence. It reduces the rate at which brain cells die once an attack takes place. As a measure to take care of its population, the US has set up a system that will give its citizens highly specialized stroke care. There are designated hospitals and centers referred to as primary stroke centers that will act as the first responders to any stroke victim. Immediate response from these centers is likely to reduce disability and stroke related deaths. According to an online published study on Neurology, the same has been emphasized by various doctors who have outlined the need for treating stroke patients with immediate effect