NASA Unleashes A New Video To Show Dark Side Of Moon

A new video from NASA has been released, which shows the dark side of the moon- the one that’s not visible from Earth, offering insight on the satellite like never before.

The images were captured by Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), and NASA used the images to make a video that tells of the far side of moon.

The moon, the only natural satellite to Earth, has just one side facing the earth, which simply means that people on this planet cannot see the other side of the moon ever without satellite images.

The new video released by NASA shows that the other side of moon is way more different than of what we see from earth. It doesn’t have the dark spots as we see on the far side.

The far side has been found to include numerous craters and is home to Pole-Aitken basin-known to be the major and most ancient impact features in the galaxy.

The first time the other side of the moon was seen was 1959, and the images that were grainy were picked up by Soviet Luna 3.

Watch video:

LRO, coming after five decades since Soviet Luna 3, only improves the vision and offers the scientists and researchers to look into more elements that were captured in pictures before.

Scientists can now boast of detailed maps of the other side of moon with the images that have gone in the making of the video.

The two-minute new video from NASA is available on YouTube for everyone to see.