Windows 8.1, XP, 7 and Vista Gain Market Share – Windows 8 Fading

The latest roundup of figures for June confirm that Windows 8.1, XP, 7 and even Windows Vista have increased their market share from the month prior.

So it’s really no surprise to see that Windows 8.1 is slowly but surely increasing its market share – Microsoft having invested massive efforts in the push to drive user-upgrades. And at the same time, it’s not much of a shocker to learn that Windows 8 is on the decline – the reason of course being so many users making the step up to version 8.1.

However, what has come as quite the unexpected surprise is how both Windows XP and even Windows Vista have increased their market shares very slightly for the month of June. The latest figures released by NetMarketShare make for interesting reading to say the least, suggesting that die-hard devotees of prior versions of Windows are still giving Windows 8 a wide berth.

Admittedly the gains were fractional at best – Windows XP for example crept up to 25.31% in June from a prior 25.25% in May…hardly a quantum leap forward, but decent enough. The same could also be said for Windows 7, which according to the stats managed to scoop up 50.55% of the market for June, representing a half-percentage point increase from the month before.

As for Windows 8, June brought the OS a predictable yet minor slide to 5.93% from the prior 6.29% of May, while Windows 8.1 grew to 6.61% from May’s 6.35%.

Of course, the biggest surprise of all was that of Vista also enjoying a pretty impressive June, having come out of nowhere to record a fractional yet notable climb.