New Moto 360 Video Paints a Perfectly Pretty Picture – Launch Schedule TBC

Motorola has released a new official video clip showing off its upcoming Moto 360 Smartwatch, which has the very real potential to finally kick-start the market for wearables after a flurry of uninspiring attempts by rivals.

Motorola’s Moto 360 isn’t the first Smartwatch we’ve seen, so why is it causing more of a fuss than its rivals – many of which have been on the market for months?

Simple really – the Moto 360 is undeniably the first and only Smartwatch to date we wouldn’t be embarrassed to wear!

It seems style and elegance were put well and truly in the back-burner when the design teams for Samsung and Sony set about building their own respective Smartwatch devices. The result was the bulky and generally unattractive standard the segment seems to revolve around right now, which is for the most part so uninspiring that features, functionality and hardware are completely overlooked by would-be buyers.

As for the Moto 360, you’ll have seen enough shots of the thing by now to know what you’re in for, but in order to get the message out in a more comprehensive manner, the wonderful folks at Big M have gone ahead and put together the video you’ll find below. What’s particularly compelling is how the 360 is being worn by a female…in this case Motorola’s Product  Marketing Head Cathay Bi…and yet it still doesn’t look even the slightest bit bulky or unsightly – you’d need arms like Arnie to say the same about the Samsung Galaxy Gear, for example.

It’s a genuinely reassuring video clip, though it’s a shame it doesn’t go as far as announcing the final release date for the 360 – it remains the single Android Wear gadget that’s still not been pinned to a specific day/week/month.

Still, by the look of it there’s every chance it’ll be well worth the wait and could play a role in kick-starting the wearable tech market, which thanks to rather paltry players to date has pretty much stalled.